



When looking for a new job, completing the 面试 is exciting, but it’s only part of the journey. 是的, you’re one step closer to the job offer, but it is not the end of the hiring process. You’ll need to implement a strategic 和 thoughtful follow-up strategy to demonstrate your interest 和 stay on the employer’s radar without coming off as annoying, 绝望或好斗.

在面试结束时,重要的是要询问雇主的时间表或 “下一步是什么??” 这样你就能很好地知道什么时候能收到他们的回复. 然后,你的后续策略就开始了.

下面, 软件下载在Herzing大学的职业发展团队, shares tips on how 和 when to follow up to differentiate yourself from other c和idates.  


在24小时内 面试,你的第一封后续邮件应该是一封“谢谢”的电子邮件. 如果幸运28计划话,给每个面试过的人单独发一封邮件. 如果你无法在面试中获得电子邮件地址, you can reach out to 人力资源 or the person who coordinated the meetings 和 ask if they will provide their email addresses so you can send thank you notes.

It is important to send a “Thank You” because job 面试s can require employers to set aside a significant amount of time preparing for 和 面试ing. 邮件内容要简短, friendly 和 conversational; since you’ve already had the job 面试, 你可以让你的感激和个性表现出来.


  • 继续表达对这个职位的兴趣, 如果你不再感兴趣,请撤回你的候选人资格.
  • 重申你适合这个职位的资格为什么你是最合适的人选,为什么你对这个机会感到兴奋.
  • 添加额外的, significant information you may have forgotten to communicate or didn’t have time to mention during the 面试, as well as elaborate on a specific question asked that you felt you could have answered better.
  • 从其他候选人中脱颖而出,因为不是每个人都会给你发一封体贴的“谢谢”.”


主题:[谢谢- IT职位跟进]


谢谢你今天/昨天和我见面. It was a pleasure to speak with you 和 Michael 和 learn more about the IT position at X Company. 我很高兴能有机会与你和团队一起工作!

Discussing the IT position allowed me to further reflect on my interest in this opportunity. 我想你会发现我的XYZ技能/经验对你的团队来说是一笔宝贵的财富. 因为我在IT领域的专业经验和时间, 我将在第一天就有效地发挥作用,并迅速产生影响.

Please let me know if there is additional information I can provide to help in your decision-making process. 再次感谢您,期待尽快收到您的回复.



请记住,你的电子邮件可能不会收到回复, 这很正常,跟你的提议没有任何关系.

专家提示: 除了“谢谢你”的电子邮件,考虑在邮件中发送一张手写的卡片. This adds a personal touch 和 shows that you appreciate 和 value the employer’s time. 这样做的原因是,除了邮件, 你要确保他们在24小时内收到你的后续通知. 电子邮件带有时间戳,更容易被阅读, whereas mail can take several days 和 could end up in a stack of mail that doesn’t get read for a while.

你觉得大胆吗?? 与其发电子邮件,不如打个电话表示感谢! 简短的后续对话(或语音邮件)的个人风格, where you thank the employer for the 面试 shows how proactive 和 assertive you are as a 专业. It also strongly iterates your interest in the role 和 your ability to take initiative to go above 和 beyond to connect with others.


This is where you will use the employer’s timeline to gauge the frequency of your follow-up strategy. 请记住,签到不会让你看起来令人讨厌、绝望或咄咄逼人. 这种类型的跟进是常规的, 专业, 坦率地说, 招聘过程中预期的一部分. Employers want to hire c和idates that want to work for them 和 approaching your follow-up carefully clearly demonstrates your 专业ism, 勤奋与兴趣.

例如, 你在周一面试, 雇主说他们计划在那个星期的星期五给你答复. 然后,星期五又来了……蟋蟀. If you don’t hear back when the employer originally said you would try not to jump to the conclusion that you did not get the job. 只需在下一个工作日发送一封快速跟进的电子邮件:

主题:[谢谢- IT职位跟进]


我希望一切都好! 再次感谢您上周抽出时间来面试我的IT职位. I remain very interested in this opportunity 和 am e年龄r to hear when you have an update. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to assist you in your decision-making process.



Sometimes employers will underestimate their timeline, especially if they have a lot going on. 当然, 他们希望在星期五之前作出决定, 但招聘过程和其他工作义务可能会推迟他们的时间表.

在你最初的登记邮件之后, it is recommended to follow up every two weeks until you receive an answer on your c和idacy or until asked otherwise by the employer. 更频繁地跟进会让你陷入给人留下烦人印象的危险地带. It is acceptable 和 expected to receive updates about the role 和 if you were selected or not.

专家提示: 尽管简说她想在周五之前做出决定, 在邮件里告诉她. 避免任何类型的消息听起来像 “you mentioned that you would be finalizing your decision for the IT position this week.” This could turn an employer off as it draws attention to what they are already aware of 和 probably not thrilled about. 在招聘过程中要对雇主保持耐心和亲切. 在随后的随访中, 通过提供推荐信等额外信息来提供帮助, 你制定的幸运28计划计划或解决的案件的书面例子. 

大胆的感觉? 用电子邮件和电话代替签到. This will prevent the employer from becoming numb to your correspondence 和 will allow you to interact with the employer in more than one way that positively reflects on your ability to follow through 和 build relationships.


祝贺你! 你的努力和耐心得到了回报,你得到了这份工作. If you haven’t already discussed your salary 和 benefits, now is the time to negotiate if needed.

Typically, a job offer is made verbally over the phone, followed by an official offer letter. 请注意,在你收到正式信函之前,你的offer不是正式的. Make sure to respond with a written letter of acceptance in an email where you officially agree to the terms of the job offer.

主题:[*您的姓名* -录取通知书]


我写这封信是为了正式接受你在X公司担任IT管理员一职. 我非常感激能有这个机会,也很高兴能加入这个团队.

就像录取通知书上显示的和软件下载之前在电话里讨论的那样, 我接受XX美元的起薪,在入职XX天后可领取福利.

我将能够开始工作的日期. If there is any additional information or paperwork needed before then, please let me know. 你可以通过XXX联系我,或者发邮件给john.doe@website.com.



John Doe

最后, 如果通知您未被选中担任该角色, feel free to follow up one last time thanking the employer for their time 和 letting them know you’d be interested in future positions at the company. 这再次显示了你的专业性和愿意付出额外的努力. 你永远不知道他们什么时候会再次招聘, 雇主经常会重新审视那些可能更适合自己的候选人.

在面试和后续过程中提供个性化的帮助, Herzing大学的学生和校友可以随时幸运28计划 职业发展服务 团队.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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