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Career Development Sharon Rosin

8 Questions to Ask at the End of a 工作面试

工作面试可能会很有压力,你可能不知道该问什么问题. Here are eight questions to ask a potential employer following your interview.

Job interviews 可以 be stressful. Many people feel intimidated because every interview is different, which makes it difficult to know what to expect or how to 准备. 然而, there are key elements of the interview for which you 可以 准备. Spending time getting ready for an interview will empower you, 这会让你感觉更自信,让你成为一个有能力和专业的候选人.


It’s important to research any company you’re interviewing with, as it will help you demonstrate that you’re a strong c和idate for the role. 当雇主问你诸如“你对软件下载公司有什么了解?为什么你想在这里工作??你的研究也会帮助你构思聪明而相关的问题来问你的面试官. If c和idates do 不 ask well-informed questions, 这可能会暴露出他们没有做过“尽职调查”,并可能给雇主留下他们对在这家特定公司工作不太感兴趣的印象.

Start your research by carefully reviewing the job posting. You don’t want to ask a question that has already been answered. Next, read through the company’s website. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the following:

  • Organization’s history
  • 使命宣言
  • 核心价值观
  • 产品/服务
  • /奖项
  • Recent media attention
  • Plus, any details found on their careers page

Many employers will list benefits on that page, 因为他们不想让候选人经历漫长的面试过程,结果却因为没有特定的福利而拒绝了一份工作.

Take a moment to Google the company 和/or specific location, 和 search for them on LinkedIn 和 脸谱网. A不her invaluable research tool to utilize is Glassdoor. 这个网站因分享公司以前问求职者的面试问题而出名. Glassdoor还提供薪资信息、现任/前任员工评价以及幸运28计划.

What to Ask Your Potential Employer

You 可以 find a variety of interview questions on career websites, but I caution you – one size does 不 fit all. Questions must be tailored to the employer 和 industry. 问正确的问题可以帮助你确定这个特定的职位是否适合你.

Keep in mind, it’s still st和ard advice to ask about salary, time off or benefits in the first interview. 现在,事先进行研究可以帮助你找到这些问题的答案. If you 可以’t find those answers, wait until subsequent interviews or when you have an offer, then you 可以 begin to have those conversations 和 negotiate if needed. Here are eight questions to ask a potential employer following your interview:

1. How long is the orientation process for this role?

这个问题经常被忽视,但它对你在公司取得成功的能力至关重要. 如果他们没有入职培训,你可能要重新考虑在那里工作了.

2. 你对新员工在最初的30到60天里有什么期望?

你需要知道你要做的是什么,以及承担这个角色后你的生活会是什么样子. 开始一份工作并在最初的几周内被解雇对你的工作经历造成的损害比他们的公司更大.

3. What are the most challenging aspects of this role for your new hires?


4. In the event a new hire has trouble with a skill, concept or expectation, what type of support 可以 you offer to ensure the success of your new hires?

如果他们提供了第1和2个问题的详细答案,你可能就不需要问这个问题了. 这也是一种间接询问员工保留情况以及员工保留对他们有多重要的方式. 雇主不希望雇佣你一两个月后就解雇你,但并不是所有的雇主都像你希望的那样有条理. 如果他们有组织,并公开制定“员工成功计划”,这将有助于你做出决定.

5. After the orientation process has ended, 你们还提供哪些继续教育/专业发展的机会?

最好的雇主希望他们的员工不断成长,并增加他们为组织带来的价值. This will shine a light on that.

6. 在你的公司里是否有成长或职业发展的机会? 或者你能告诉我与这个职位/部门相关的成长/专业发展机会吗?

This question may 不 be needed in sectors like science 和 healthcare, 因为有持续增长的期望,以保持当前的行业. 然而, don’t take the opportunity for advancement for granted, so be 准备d to ask a question like this. Be aware there might be an industry-specific way of asking this, 例如, in nursing  c和idates could ask, “您能详细说明您的机构(或系统内)护理的临床阶梯吗??”

7. 根据软件下载今天的谈话,还有什么我可以告诉你的来帮助你做决定吗?

This is a subtle way of asking about 和 addressing any shortcomings. 这可以让你询问面试官他们可能关心的领域, so you 可以 nudge them in the right direction. 直接问面试官你的缺点,并让他们当场面对,可能会导致误导性的回答.

8. 你会在什么时候对这个职位做出决定? OR What is the next step in this process?

Don’t sit around by the phone waiting for your interviewer to call. 一些雇主可能会为特定职位的新员工提供有限的入职日期/入职指导,而另一些雇主可能会根据他们的需要全年持续招聘. This will help you with your decision.

Be sure to write down your questions 和 bring them to your interview. Your interview experience could be rigorous, 和 you don’t want to struggle to remember any details you wanted to bring up.

Your job search doesn’t have to be a lonely journey! 与你的 校园 Career Coach 谁能帮助你为你和你未来的职业目标量身定制你的职业准备工具.

Learn More 关于 Our 幸运28计划


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do 不 represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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