

发现 你的 IT职业道路

As businesses increasingly rely on computer networks 和 systems to support everyday operation, the need for skilled IT professionals with a strong computer science background continues to grow.

根据 劳工统计局, employment in computer 和 information technology 职业 is expected to grow faster than the aver年龄 across all U.S. 职业.* They attribute the projected increase in job opportunities to more emphasis on information security, 收集和存储大数据, 云计算.

Here is a list of nine common career paths you can potentially follow by going back to school to earn an IT-related undergraduate degree.



业务es rely on technical support specialists to maintain computer systems 和 provide full-time analysis, 计算机网络问题的故障排除和评估. Examples of responsibilities in this role can include 测试 和 evaluating network systems, 定期维护, 解决各种内部和外部网络问题.

教育要求 成为IT支持技术人员 can vary widely based on the job, with some positions requiring an undergraduate degree to qualify.

如果您喜欢排除技术问题, 有良好的人际交往能力, 享受快节奏的工作环境, 和 are more interested in a support/maintenance role in IT (rather than something more solitary, 比如编程), 这可能是您在IT领域的一个很好的起点.


The security of sensitive information on computer networks 和 systems has become a huge emphasis in our increasingly connected global economy. More 和 more businesses 和 governments must take a vested interest in securing their networks 和 保护 their customers’ 和 employees’ personal information.

作为一名IT安全分析师, you’ll be responsible for safely securing computer networks from potential breaches or cyber-attacks. 您需要成为网络基础设施管理方面的专家, 资讯保障及保安, 道德黑客, 密码学, 网络取证与防御, 还有更多. A cybersecurity bachelor’s degree curriculum includes the education you need to qualify for jobs in this career field.

信息安全分析师代表了其中的一个 增长最快的职业 在乡下. 有很大的增长预期和良好的平均工资, 这条职业道路非常值得你花时间和精力去获得学位.


软件开发人员设计计算机程序和应用程序. Behind every app there’s a team of developers 和 engineers working to make it user-friendly, 有用的:对某一特定目的有用且不可或缺的.

开发应用程序可能是一个非常复杂的过程, 从设计阶段开始, 功能, 质量保证和测试, 评估用户行为和反馈, 维护和升级. 视工作而定, 开发人员可以身兼数职,需要各种技能和任务, 包括编程, 建模, 测试, 记录和报告, 还有更多.

类开始 7月8日



Computer systems analysts use techniques such as data 建模 to support the design of computer systems, working with programmers 和 engineers to provide the information needed to build systems as efficiently as possible. 他们可以在测试和质量保证中发挥作用, 在复杂的计算机系统中发现并解决问题.

Analysts are also generally responsible for communicating IT needs from a business perspective, ensuring decision-makers have a full underst和ing before allocating budgets 和 determining what updates 和 changes are worth the investment. 作为日常生产和管理之间的关键促进者, 有些人可能会承担幸运28计划管理职责.

软件下载的 IT数据分析学士学位 是为了帮助你为这类工作做准备的吗. 像这样的分析师职位, a curriculum with courses emphasizing both business 和 technology is crucial to help you build the skills 和 knowledge needed to succeed right away in 你的 first entry-level position.


数据库管理员确保组织数据的有效性, 确保数据安全, 防止数据丢失, 测试并实施修改, 还有更多. It’s their job to oversee the 存储 和 organization of data 和 make sure it’s quickly accessible, 安全,清洁分析.

一般有两种 类型 数据库管理员:系统数据库管理员, 负责确保数据库的物理和技术基础, 应用程序数据库管理员, 处理应用程序或使用数据库的应用程序集的人员.



计算机程序员 负责为计算机程序和应用程序编写代码. 作为信息系统的建设者, programmers work closely with software 和 application developers to make great ideas work.

通过获得计算机编程学位, 您将开发面向对象编程的技能, 数据仓库, 移动应用开发, 并学习包括Python在内的关键编程语言的基础知识, C++, C#, Java, SQL, 和JavaScript.

作为一名程序员, 你是一个善于解决问题的人,擅长挖掘大多数人忽略的细节.

Those more interested in a behind-the-scenes role making things work rather than jobs in a client-facing or man年龄rial role may find computer programming to be the best fit.


在IT领域有足够的教育和经验, 你最终可以胜任管理和管理角色 成为一名IT经理.

IT man年龄rs plan 和 direct computer 和 technology-related activities for a business or other organization, facilitating projects 和 negotiating the personnel needed to solve problems 和 meet goals. Some IT man年龄rs can potentially ascend to a role as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief 技术 Officer (CTO) at the highest level of business operations.

You can prepare for a man年龄ment IT职业道路 at the bachelor’s level by enrolling in our 技术管理学士学位课程. 然而, 在某些情况下,雇主可能会要求应聘者拥有硕士学位, 比如 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士).


当考虑你在IT方面的选择时, the field of healthcare may not immediately jump to mind—but information technology has become a crucial component of how modern healthcare is delivered.

One of the fastest paths to begin working in health information technology is by pursuing a role as a medical records or health information specialist. 根据你要找的具体工作,你的职责可能包括 医疗帐单和编码, 维护电子健康记录系统, 办理保险报销, 记录收集数据, 存储, 分析和报告, 还有更多. You can potentially qualify for these 类型 of roles by earning a diploma or associate degree.

Earning a bachelor’s degree in health information man年龄ment or technology can help you climb the ladder 和 qualify for man年龄rial roles. 根据 美国劳工统计局在美国,医疗卫生服务经理的平均年薪为 $134,440 ($64.64 每小时).*


信息技术为许多不同类型的人提供了独特的职业道路, 包括那些对建筑感兴趣的人, 保护, 分析, 或管理.

There is an IT career for you, 和 we exist to help you walk the career path that’s right for you. 软件下载的 educational programs are designed for you to find the rewarding 和 lucrative career you’ve always wanted. 软件下载是来帮你迈出人生的第一步的.



*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by 美国劳工统计局 for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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