


以下是在医疗行业工作的一些常见好处, top 医疗保健 jobs 和 ways to know 是否 career in a 医疗保健 position is right for you.

冠状病毒大流行给软件下载的世界带来了很大变化. 这让很多人重新审视自己的职业选择, whether they lost their job or decided that they wanted a change. One of the top industries under consideration for career changers is 医疗保健 和我原因很容易理解.

美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局) 预计增长16% in 医疗保健 occupations between 2020 和 2030, which adds up to about 2.600万个新增就业岗位. The retirement of baby boomers who work in 医疗保健 roles is creating job openings in a variety of positions, 以及美国人口的整体老龄化.S. population will drive more dem和 for 医疗保健 services in the years to come.

以下是在医疗行业工作的一些常见好处, top 医疗保健 jobs 和 ways to know 是否 career in a 医疗保健 position is right for you.


One of the top benefits of a 医疗保健 job is the ability to help others. 无论你是否提供日常护理, analyzing test results or making it easier for someone to man年龄 care for them or their loved ones you can truly make a difference in their lives.

The work of 医疗保健 workers across the country during the p和emic has been inspiring, whether they have been on the job for 20 to 30 years or just starting a career. Many current 医疗保健 students have been inspired by that dedication 和 are looking forward to serving on the frontlines of care.

也, the median annual w年龄 for occupations such as registered nurses was about $75,2020年5月, 根据 美国劳工统计局. 除了, many 医疗保健 workers are eligible for flexible schedules, such as evening or overnight shifts 和 opportunities to work fewer, 每周工作天数增加.


There is a variety of work available in the 医疗保健 field in hospitals, 诊所, 医生的办公室, 外科中心, 家庭护理, 保险公司等.

一些最 受欢迎的职业 是执业护士吗?, 职业治疗助理, 物理治疗助理, 医疗卫生服务经理, 以及医疗助理. 其中一些被称为 盟军的健康 职业生涯, which might not be as well-known as nursing but play a vital role in the care of patients 和 the smooth operation of 医疗保健 organizations.


  • 医疗帐单和编码, which can allow you to work in a 医疗保健 position without direct patient care 和 possibly work remotely.
  • 持牌执业护士 (LPN), which is a relatively quick entry into the nursing profession as programs could be completed within 12 months.
  • 放射技师, where you can operate X-ray machines 和 other high-tech medical imaging equipment.


There are some common threads with 医疗保健 positions that can help you determine, 一般, 是否 医疗保健职业很适合你.


  • 你喜欢照顾别人吗? Although some 医疗保健 industry positions don’t involve working with patients or their families, 大多数人. 所以如果你喜欢帮助别人, especially as they experience an illness or are in recovery, it’s likely you’ll find a variety of work in 医疗保健 that’s likely to appeal to you.
  • 你喜欢在办公室工作还是在家工作? If you would prefer to work in a corporate office setting or stay at home, 你还是可以找到一份医疗工作的. 如果你确实喜欢办公室工作,你不应该被吓倒! 职业生涯就像 医务处管理局医疗管理 会适合你吗! 然而, if you would prefer to be on the front line of care in a hospital, 诊所或类似场所, 医疗保健方面的工作是理想的.
  • 你是一个有效的合作者吗? 几乎任何医疗保健职业都涉及合作, whether it’s a nurse on an intensive care floor or an occupational therapy assistant who works in t和em with other rehabilitation professionals in a clinic. 

医疗保健 is an exciting 和 rewarding industry to work in, with a variety of 职业生涯 that can fit your preferred work style 和 location. 看看今天有什么!



*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 美国劳工统计局 estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by 美国劳工统计局 for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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