


护理 is a great career if you are looking for a fast-paced job, you enjoy caring for people 和 want to make a positive impact on society.

护理既是一种使命,也是一种职业. 完成一个 护理学位 需要大量的努力工作, but it makes it possible for you to have a meaningful career in a field that you’re passionate about.

You might consider a career in nursing if you are looking for a fast-paced job, enjoy caring for people 和 want to make a positive impact on society.

注册护士(RNs) 通过以下几种方式为患者服务并与医生合作:

  • Treat 和 assist in patient care alongside medical practitioners. Nurses are often responsible for administering patients’ medication 和 treatment. You’ll also help patients who are unable to assist themselves.
  • 记录治疗和监控医疗设备. 如果病人正在接受治疗, you are responsible for noting any changes in the patient 和 reporting this to the doctor. You’ll also need to keep tabs on the equipment that is monitoring the patient’s condition 和 possibly collaborate on a treatment plan with the doctor.
  • 充当病人和医生之间的联络人. Nurses are often the main contact for patients during the recovery process, 尤其是在养老院和辅助生活设施. Nurses will share information with others on their team 和 the doctor. 护士还帮助向病人解释医生的指示.
  • 为患者及其家属提供支持. 在所爱的人去世后, 可怕的事故或绝症的诊断, 病人和他们的家人可能会向你寻求帮助. 的y might look for you for answers about treatment 和 recovery, or just vent about their problems. As a nurse, it’s important to listen 和 be available to patients 和 their families.


1. 高需求

有一个预计的 6% 护理工作的增长来自 2022-2032, higher than the aver年龄 in other occupations, according to the 劳工统计局.1 的 美国劳工统计局2 says a couple of reasons for the spike in dem和 is an increased emphasis on preventive medicine 和 assistance for chronic illnesses. 也, the baby boomer generation has a much longer life span which requires additional healthcare services, 包括长期医疗援助.

2. 有很多工作选择

护士可以在各种医疗环境中工作, 包括医院, 养老院, 济贫院, 诊所和医生办公室. 的y also work in schools, at businesses 和 in the military.

护士也可以选择他们的 专业. 例如, 新生儿护士 take care of newborns while cardiovascular nurses assist patients who are suffering from chronic heart disease 和/or have undergone heart surgery.  

护士的工作时间可能比较灵活. Options range from a traditional 9 to 5 workday to a week with three 12-hour shifts.

3. 你总是在学习

护理中没有“正常的一天”. Every day brings about challenges 和 changes, such as new treatment options. Patients do not respond to treatment in the same manner at the same rate. You will need to adapt your treatment style to match the patient’s needs 和 underst和 not everyone will heal in the same way.

4. 护士真的很重要

Unlike some jobs where you are in a cubicle all day, nurses get to work one-on-one with patients. 护士的影响很大, 无论是通过用药还是治疗, serving as a mediator between the doctor 和 the patient or offering support to a worried patient 和 their families. 护理 is one of the few careers in which you can see the impact that your career has on somebody’s life. An interaction with a nurse can be the biggest difference between a positive visit to the doctor or hospital or a negative visit.

做出改变对你来说也是一种回报. 根据 2017年护士调查 由AMN进行, 83% of all nurses are satisfied with their career choice 和 66% said they would encour年龄 others to become nurses. As dem和ing as the career can be, few positions have an impact like nursing has on society.



*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 美国劳工统计局 estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by 美国劳工统计局 for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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