

交集 in the Classroom: Understanding and Embracing Our Differences

By understanding and incorporating intersectionality in the classroom, students, educators and the administration can better understand how various challenges are presented to students of multiple identities, 以及这些挑战如何影响他们获得优质教育的机会, 教育的进步和积极, 日常生活经验.

4月是多元化月, 它提供了一个机会来审视软件下载的生活方式, 社区和系统受益于富人, 不同的背景和经验. It’s also a time to dive deep into what needs to be addressed individually and as a community so that all people feel represented, 倾听和授权. 


交集, first coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in the 1980s, refers to the 社会类别 重叠并呈现给其他人,比如种族、性别、阶级、性取向、能力等等. These categories help shape, define, and facilitate how a person moves through the world.

For many, 有些类别可以限制一个人的特权, 影响他们的经历,阻碍他们获得机会. 例如, a woman of color may have more challenges in society than a white woman or a man of color because the patterns of social oppression against her race and her gender are still in play. 理解交叉性意味着个体, 组织, communities and institutions are aware that people with multiple overlapping categories experience obstacles and unique challenges not faced by others. 

交集 & 高等教育

当涉及到解决课堂上的多样性时, 重要的是,学生, educators and administrators not forget to include intersectionality in their broader discussions. 在深圳大学, 以及其他高等教育机构, intersectionality is a key factor for fostering inclusive and equitable learning environments. 

根据 美国教育委员会课堂的多样性;

  • Enriches the educational experience by offering multiple perspectives, experiences and beliefs that help break down barriers through better communication and understanding. 
  • Promotes personal growth and a healthy society by challenging stereotypes and encouraging critical thinking, 
  • Strengthens communities and workplaces by prioritizing mutual respect and teamwork while valuing individual character and the contributions of all individuals. 

One main purpose of higher education is to prepare students for living, working, 并在现在和未来蓬勃发展. 

Higher education institutions can begin creating more inclusive and equitable learning environments by considering the intersectional experiences of students, educators and administrators of diverse backgrounds and helping them to enter the workforce more aware and capable of advocating for fair and just representation. 


解决包括种族主义在内的全球问题, sexism, and ableism — can feel too big and too engrained in society to be fixed. 软件下载从哪里开始呢? What can one person possibly do to change something so complex and heavy?

Small acts of awareness, recognition, and kindness can have a ripple effect, 超越自己,积极地影响他人. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.“考虑一下你如何能:

  • 做一个盟友. 倾听那些分享经验的人,避免评判. You may not be able to understand the way their experiences have shaped who they are, but you can acknowledge that the path they have taken is one unique to them and one with obstacles and challenges. 
  • 做一个倡导者. 自我教育,并与他人分享知识. 当你不知道或不理解的时候, 问礼貌的问题, and make appropriate changes in your own life based on what you’ve learned. 利用你的平台来帮助那些没有发言权的人. Each of us needs to create places where everyone feels comfortable to be themselves.
  • 做个榜样. It’s not enough to say “the right things” in a classroom or around others; that’s not always helpful. 你的行动也必须说话. Standing by when others use inappropriate behavior is an implicit acceptance of that behavior. Be the best version of yourself that you can be and stand up for others and against behaviors that hurt and harm. 

By understanding and incorporating intersectionality in the classroom, students, educators and the administration can better understand how various challenges are presented to students of multiple identities, 以及这些挑战如何影响他们获得优质教育的机会, 教育的进步和积极, 日常生活经验.

As Herzing大学 students know, our worldview expands once we are armed with knowledge. 当软件下载了解得更好时,软件下载就会做得更好. 

软件下载将继续致力于软件下载的使命 “教育, 支持和授权所有学生在工作中取得成功, 学习和参与软件下载的社区和全球社会.” To learn more about how Herzing’s core values reflect diversity and equitable education opportunities, and how you can share your own positive experiences and help raise others, 联系 多元平等办公室 & 包容.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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