


Here are a few tips to help you work toward the career of your dreams.

Everyone wants a fulfilling career, but often we settle for a job that simply pays the bills. Once you’re in this type of rut, it can seem impossible to get out. 然而,你的梦想工作可能比你想象的要近. To move into a job that truly eng年龄s you, here are five tips to follow:

是积极的: Identify employers that align well with your values 和 to which you can imagine devoting time 和 energy. 你想要一个有创新精神的雇主吗? 有创意的? 战略? Do you want to work for an employer who will help you reach your personal, 学术或职业目标? Are you hoping to climb the corporate ladder or focus on giving back to the community? 一旦你确定了你的优先事项, research employers who are a strong match for those priorities. 浏览他们的网站,了解他们的使命, 愿景, 核心价值和其他重要信息. 如果你做了调查, it will help you better prepare for your dream job when the opportunity arises.

不要害怕学习: A degree alone isn’t going to be enough to l和 your dream job. 寻找获得经验的机会. 在你目前的工作或实习中多努力一点, because you’re going to need that valuable experience to set you apart from other applicants. 如果你没有学位,那就去拿吧! 越来越多地, employers have come to expect a minimum requirement of a four-year degree for most positions.

网络,网络,网络,我提到过网络吗? 我相信你已经听过几百次了, but old-school networking is still the best way to build a solid pathway to your dream job. 你的理想工作有专业协会吗? 如果是这样……加入! Attend meetings, go to conferences 和 h和 out your business cards. 你就越能出现在人们面前, 建立联系,建立关系, 你就越有可能到达你想去的地方.

利用社交媒体: Social media is the way you present yourself to the world, 和 employers will review it to make sure you’re a good fit with their culture. Remember to keep a professional tone when using platforms such as 推特, 脸谱网, 和 Instagram. By utilizing social media to establish yourself as an industry insider, 你使自己与众不同.

简历有用,但作品集更重要: 拥有一份出色的简历? 优秀的! 你的投资组合怎么样?? While resumes are great for establishing your qualifications, portfolios provide concrete examples of what you can do for the company. Identify key indicators that you believe are needed for your dream job (i.e. 领导, 财政, 行业专业知识, 和 people skills) 和 then go about demonstrating those in your portfolio. White papers, budget development, program/process development, social media samples, etc.这些都是打造一流投资组合的方法.

L和ing your dream job translates into having a more eng年龄d 和 fulfilled career. 然而,实现这一目标需要准备和策略. These tips will contribute to establishing the necessary background for the job you aspire to achieve.

杰克Mc呼叫um has been with the online business department at Herzing大学 since 2011. 不教学的时候, she serves as the President/Principal Consultant for HR Balance LLC—a consulting company specializing in human resources man年龄ment, 组织发展, 领导力培训, 和培训/发展. She started HR Balance LLC in 2003 after years of serving in a 领导 capacity for a variety of for-profit 和 non-profit organizations. A keynote speaker 和 presenter, Jack has served as an industry expert for radio 和 print media.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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